精密铸造行业的发展目标 |
添加时间:2018/12/26 16:06:03 浏览次数: |
精密铸造行业的发展目标是以下几个方面: The development goals of investment casting industry are as follows: 第一,完成在增长方式上由劳动、资源密集型向技术资本密集型的转变,由粗放污染型向绿色集约型转变,产品的质量、品种、数量与世界先进水平相当,优质材料的比重迅速增加,整个精密铸件厂的生产效率、经济效益成倍增长;环境污染得到有效治理,初步建起与环境协调一致的中国铸造材料产业系统。 First, we will complete the transformation from labor-intensive and resource-intensive to technology-capital-intensive, from extensive pollution-intensive to green-intensive. The quality, variety and quantity of products are comparable to the advanced level in the world. The proportion of high-quality materials is increasing rapidly, and the production efficiency and economic benefits of the entire precision casting plant are doubling. Environmental pollution has been effectively controlled and preliminary construction has been carried out. China's foundry materials industry system is in harmony with the environment. 第二,形成一些结构合理、整体水平高的产学研结合的研发和教育培训基地,能不断向企业输送专业人才,不断开发出高质量、高档次铸造材料新品种,满足对铸造材料日益增长的需要,同时逐步加大技术出口的力度。 Secondly, a number of R&D and education training bases with reasonable structure and high overall level will be formed, which can continuously transport professional talents to enterprises, continuously develop new varieties of high-quality and high-grade foundry materials to meet the growing demand for foundry materials, and gradually increase the intensity of technology export. |
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