精密铸造指的是获得精准尺寸铸件工艺的总称 |
添加时间:2019/9/9 14:47:51 浏览次数: |
精密铸造,指的是获得精准尺寸铸件工艺的总称。相对于传统砂型铸造工艺,精密铸造获的铸件尺寸更加精准,表面光洁度更好。它包括:熔模铸造、陶瓷型铸造、金属型铸造、压力铸造、消失模铸造。 Precision casting refers to the general term for the process of obtaining precise size castings. Compared with the traditional sand casting process, the size of the castings obtained by precision casting is more accurate and the surface finish is better. It includes investment casting, ceramic casting, metal casting, pressure casting and lost foam casting. 精密铸造又叫失蜡铸造,它的产品精密、复杂、接近于零件最后形状,可不加工或很少加工就直接使用,故熔模铸造是一种近净形成形的先进工艺。 Precision casting is also called wax-loss casting. Its products are precise, complex and close to the final shape of parts. They can be directly used without processing or little processing. Therefore, investment casting is an advanced near net-shape forming process. |
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